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It causes economic decline as counturies have to spread billions of dollars rebuilding and recovering from the damage

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Q: How does tsunamis have an effect in the economy?
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Related questions

What is the effect of the earthquake?

They cause tsunamis

How does a Tsunamis effect an earthquake?

They actually don't. Earthquakes can effect tsunamis by causing them when they occur in the sea.

Is mortalities is one one of effect of tsunamis?

Yes, mortalities are one effect of tsunamis. Mortalities means deaths.

How do tsunamis effect the ecosystem?

by water

How does a tsunamis effect the earth?

I dosent

How do tsunamis effect ocean life?

The tsunamis could carry the fish on to the shore and die.

Do tsunamis warm the atmosphere?

No. Tsunamis are not an atmospheric phenomenon and do not have any notable effect on the atmosphere.

What effect does tsunmis have on the weather?

Tsunamis do not affect the atmosphere.

How does tsunamis effect on the built environment?

Tsunamis can cause significant damage to the built environment by flooding coastal areas, eroding structures, and transporting debris that can further impact buildings and infrastructure. The force of the waves can also lead to structural collapse, especially in buildings not designed to withstand such forces. Recovery and rebuilding efforts after a tsunami typically involve reinforcing structures, implementing early warning systems, and improving land use planning to reduce future risks.

How do tsunamis effect the earth surface?

Tsunamis can cause significant destruction to coastal areas by flooding, eroding shorelines, and damaging infrastructure. The force of a tsunami can also impact the ocean floor, triggering landslides, and potentially leading to further seismic activity and changes in the Earth's surface.

How do tsunamis effect biotic factors?

Tsunamis can have a significant impact on biotic factors by causing the destruction of habitats, leading to loss of biodiversity and disruption of ecosystems. They can result in mass mortality of plants and animals, as well as disruption of food chains and ecological relationships. This can lead to long-term negative implications for the affected biotic communities.

How do tsunamis effect the landforms?

well the landis all messed up