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Rainfall that seeps through cracks in the bedrock is slightly acidic. The acid reacts with the calcium carbonate in the limestone, causing dissolution of the rock.

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Q: How does underground water cause chemical weathering of limestone?
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How does groundwater cause chemical weathering?

Groundwater causes chemical weathering by speeding reactions between reactive materials. Typical would be an oxidizing reaction, such as the formation of rust in rocks containing iron, or the dissolution of limestone by carbonic acid.

What most common cause of chemical weathering?

The most common cause of chemical weathering is oxygen

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The most common cause of chemical weathering is oxygen

What type of weathering process causes underground erosion?

Chemical weathering, particularly through the process of dissolution, can cause underground erosion. This occurs when water reacts with minerals in rocks, dissolving them and creating underground cavities such as caves and sinkholes over time.

What is acid weathering?

Acid does indeed cause weathering. It is a common form of chemical weathering, and is sometimes influenced by humans. It is particularly devastating to basic rocks like limestone which neutralise the acid rain, but at the expense of its own volume, as after the neutralisation, the salt is often washed away and the limestone is consequently worn away.

Do acids cause mechanical weathering?

No, acids cause chemical weathering.

Is water a cause of physical weathering or chemical weathering?

It is a cause of both.

What gas causes chemical weathering?

Oxygen is the major gas that is the cause chemical weathering.

What types of weathering that does not cause chemical changes?

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Is carbonic acid in water an example of chemical weathering?

Carbon dioxide dissolved in water is a cause of chemical weathering.

What are two agents of chemical weathering?

There are so many agents of chemical weathering. The two main agents that cause chemical weathering are acid rain and carbon dioxide.

Acids and growth of plants' root cause which type of weathering?

chemical weathering