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Drinking lots of water in a short amount of time will only dilute your urine. I don't think that vinegar would be that great to drink, unless you like drinking vinegar. Drinking lots of water, cranberry juice, sugarless iced tea and the like will make it so your pee is clear and hopefully you have diluted the THC metabolite enough so the test will not detect it. THC is absorbed into your fat and slowly excreted by your body. Tests for THC detect a metabolite in your system. If you get high a lot then you have a lot of it in you. Therefor, you would have to dilute your pee more than someone who only smokes occasionally. If you can get away with it, the best way to pass a urine test is to bring in someone elses clean pee and put that in a cup. You'd have to figure out a way to keep it warm because they do test your urine's temperature. Products that claim will allow you to pass a drug test are usually phony. They're simply a liquid that goes through your system fast and dilutes your urine. It's probably healthier to just downsome liquids and go meet your fate.

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12y ago
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12y ago

vinegar and water do nothing to clean converted THC out of your system. maybe massive amounts of water will do it in a couple of weeks but THC is stored in your fat cells lots of exercise.......ready clean ...........fake pee........cessation from smoking for 30 days

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14y ago

Vinegar lowers the pH of urine. Amphetamines are excreted fast when urine is acidified. So vinegar could reduce the detection time period for amphetamines but not for THC.

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Q: How does vinegar flush THC out of your system?
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Does vinegar flush THC out or cover up?

Heck no i never herd of such!!

Will vinegar flush THC out of your body?

No scientific evidence exists linking apple cider vinegar to a faster rate of THC clearance.

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If I weight 157 and i am 6'0 i smoked one day can water clean me of THC?

If your trying to flush THC from your system it takes about a week if you drink tons of water and pee a lot i mean a lot............ vinegar will flush it faster but it taste like vey very bad..

What is the easiest way to flush your system of THC?

No to smoke

Does slo-niacin get THC out of system?

Yes it can help flush you or at least hide the THC

Does vinegar clean THC from your system?

No. Time is what is necessary.

What can help flush THC out of your system?

Nothing. It stays in the fat and hair cells.

What can get THC out of system?

Water, Vinegar, Niacin, Pickle Juice. You can get water pills or niacin pills and those will flush your system out. I've even heard of friends drinking a cap full of bleach with a glass of water to clean out there system. I'm not sure if it works but they have all believed it has.

How much vinegar and water does it take to flush THC out of your system?

Bad news, it doesn't work. THC has the property of being fat soluble and is stored in the adipose tissue, which is why it can still be detected as long as a month after use.Nothing taken internally will have access to this body compartment. Eventually the THC concentration level in the fat will lessen as fat is normally used up and replaced.

Does pickle juice clean system of marijuana If not what works?

Pickle juice will not help your body flush THC out. The only sure way of getting THC out of your system is time.

Can vinegar get system clean of THC?

yes it can its better if you drink tons of water and some vinegar and pee alot. the average time THC is in you body when you drink tons of water and some vinegar and pee alot is about 7-10 days.