

How does water expire?

Updated: 9/15/2023
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Q: How does water expire?
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Coconut water can expire and the expiration date is shown on the package. When the water has past the expiration date, it's best to discard.

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They dont really expire. they get damaged. by water or out side contaminates.

Does water ever expire?


How can water expire?

no it just becomes contaminated or stale

Could bottled water expire?

Yes it can, if bacteria gets inside the water.

Does citric acid expire?

It doesnt really expire. It's original form is anhydrous, meaning no water molecules. Over time, it becomes monohydrate (plus 1 molecule of water) upon reaction with air.

Does flavored water expire?

Yes of course it does because it is not natural and has chemicals on it

Does pellegrino water expire?

I do not recall ever seeing an expiration date on the Pelligrino bottle

Can water expire?

No, because the water you might drink today was drunk by someone in the stone age or when ever, it's gross, but part of the water cycle.

Does water actually expire?

Depending on type of water you get. If it is spring water, it shouldn't expire unless the contents of the bottle that contained it has came off or something. If it distilled water or flavored, it is still mainly due to impurities of the bottle that fall off in, and their is still some impurities in the water itself if it was distilled or flavored. In some cases, not all water that is in the bottle is good or healty for you, but it is still better than some school water, I think. So, that is why the companies manafacturers are required, in some cases, to put an expiration date on it. That is all I know.

Can pickels expire?

yes they do expire.

Do jolly ranchers expire?

No they do not expire!