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Water in soil evaporates into a gas, then collects and turns dense forming clouds. Clouds are technically a part of the atmosphere.

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Q: How does water in the soil turn into atmosphere?
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PLants absorb the water from the soil (through their roots) and then release it back into the atmosphere by transpiration (evaporation from the leaves). You should know what happens after that...The water in the atmosphere condenses to form clouds, then rain falls, returning the water to the soil, and the cycle goes on...

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Rain doesn't turn into soil. It wets the soil, then some of it percolates down through it on it's way to the water table. Some of it is used by the growing things in the soil (if any) and the microbial life in the soil, and some of it evaporates back into the air.

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conditions that might turn liquid water in to solid might be cold degres below zero