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Assuming you mean vascular plants the transportation system here are the vascular tissues. The xylem moves water from the roots to the leaves. The phloem moves sugars, carbohydrates, from the leaves to everywhere in the plant needing these sugars.

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yes, plants have veins that carry water up from the roots to where it is needed.

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Q: How does water travel witin a plant?
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How does water travel through a nonvascular plant?

well nonvascular plants don't have tubes such as vascular plants do. Water must soak into plants and pass slowly from cell to cell.

What part of the plant absorbs the water?

The part of the plant that absorbs the water is the roots. The roots are the parts of the plant that are in charge of absorbing everything that the plant needs to live (not including sunlight). Oxygen, water, and minerals are absorbed through the roots.

What do plants take from the soil?

Plants take nutrients and water from the soil. Along with anchoring and storage, intake of food from the soil is a job responsibility of plant roots. The feeder roots get their water from the moisture that's found in the air and water pore spaces in soil. Nutrients such as nitrogen need to be in soluble form. Otherwise, for example, nitrogen may be present, but can't be taken in by plant roots. The water and nutrients travel up from the roots to the shoots. There, they play their role in the photosynthetic interaction with sunlight, for the production of energizing starches and sugars to support plant activities.

What happens to the water absorbed in the plant?

in a plant if you look carefully and debark a tree you will see llines going up theese are cells. the roots collect water from the ground gives it to the cells and the cells take the water to the rest of a plant.

What plant grows in soil and holds little water?

A plant that grows in soil and holds little water is that is does not need nutrient.

Related questions

How does water travel up the roots of a plant?


What part of the plant is responsible for the travel of water from root to leaves in the plant?

Xylem cells

How does water lilies seeds travel away from the plant?

It floats.

What causes water to travel from a plant's roots to its stems?


What effect does amount of water have on plant growth?

If a plant's soil has too much water, the roots can rot, and the plant can't get enough oxygen from the soil. If there is not enough water for a plant, the nutrients it needs cannot travel through the plant.

What effect does the amount of water have on plant growth?

If a plant's soil has too much water, the roots can rot, and the plant can't get enough oxygen from the soil. If there is not enough water for a plant, the nutrients it needs cannot travel through the plant.

What makes water travel up in a tree?

The adhesion property of water and diffusion allows water to travel upwards, but xylems are the "pipes" that carry that water up and throughout the plant.

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what is an acceptable blood sugar range witin two hours after a meal ??

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need list

How does nutreance travel around the plant?

it travels through the xylem (water) and the phloem minerals

Would water travel faster through a plant with or without leaves?

if you are talking about a plant that used to have leaves and lost them, than the now leafless plant loses (or has water travel faster through it) than with leaves, if you are talking about plants that are always leafless (cacti) it isn't faster than leaf plant because they store their water better so it moves very slowly in cacti.

Can you make a sentence with the word cohesive?

Water is cohesive, allowing it to travel up plant stems.