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At its closest point, Venus is 66.7 million miles away from the sun. At the farthest point, Venus is 67.7 million miles away from the sun.

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Q: How far is Venus from Earth in miles?
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Is the Earth closer to the Moon or Venus?

The moon, which is, by far, the closest celestial object to Earth. The moon varies between about 220,000 and 250,000 miles from Earth. Venus never comes closer than 24,000,000 miles.

How far is Venus away from the Moon to the Earth?

The moon can be anywhere between 1/4 million miles farther and 1/4 million miles closer to Venus than Earth is. That's a range of roughly 1.9% of the closest that Venus can ever approach Earth.

How far would it be for you to travel from Earth to the Sun and then to Venus?

Once you travel to the Sun, you won't be going anywhere else. Oh, this is just a THOUGHT-experiment? The precise distance varies, as both the Earth and Venus are in elliptical orbits, but in general the Earth is ABOUT 93,000,000 miles from the Sun, and Venus is ABOUT 67,000,000 miles from the Sun. So, ABOUT 160,000,000 miles for the trip.

How many miles away is Venus's?

Venus is 25,809,000 miles away from Earth.

How far is Venus from all other planets?

Venus is closest to Earth ... most of the time. Its orbit is .72 AU (Earth's is 1 AU {or 93000000 miles}) Which means that it comes within 26,000,000 miles of us (about every year and a half).

How far is Venus from the sum?

Venus is about 108 million miles from the sun

How many miles from venus to earth?

I think it is 125517292.8 miles

How far is Venus in diameter?

Venus is 7523 miles long in diameter, approximately.

During superior conjunction how far is Venus from Earth?

Venus can never appear in superior conjunction from Earth.

How far away from Venus is earth?

About 15 years away.

How far is Venus away from New Zealand?

Although New Zealand is very far from many places on Earth such as Europe or America, distances on Earth are tiny compared with distances in Space. This is really the same question as asking how far Venus is from Earth. Since Venus orbits faster than the Earth, it passes between Earth and the Sun every 584 days, at a distance that averages about 41.4 million kilometers (25.7 million miles). However, about 10 months later, they would be at about their furthest separation, which is 257.8 million km (160 million miles).

How far is it from Earth to Venus and back?

That varies.