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Sound cannot travel forever.

E.g, When someone is talking and there are lots of people around can't here them. This is because when you speak it causes the air molecules in front to bump into the air molecules in front of it to bump in to the other bunch, etc. This is how sound waves are are made.

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2w ago

The distance sound can travel through a tube depends on various factors such as the material, width, and length of the tube, as well as the frequency and intensity of the sound. In general, sound can travel several meters through a tube before dissipating due to absorption and reflection.

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11y ago

Let me explicitly state the assumptions I'm making here so that there's no confusion:

I assume you mean a hollow tube filled with air, and that we're only concerned with the sound travelling through the air. Sound will travel through the tube itself as well, but I'm ignoring that (since in that case the fact that it's a tube doesn't really matter; it would be the same if it were a solid rod).

The limiting factor then would be at what point random fluctuations in the air in the tube would overwhelm the initial sound, and that's a very, very complicated problem that depends on the initial intensity of the sound and other factors (like the density and temperature of the air, and the diameter of the tube could factor in as well).

Because of that, it's essentially impossible to give a hard and fast answer.

The tube, however, serves to focus the pressure wave that causes the sound and keep it from dissipating, so the best answer I can give is "further than without the tube".

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Q: How far can sound travel through a tube?
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How many ways does sound travel?

Sound can travel through air, liquids like water, and solids like walls and floors. Sound waves can also travel through gases, such as carbon dioxide and helium. In a vacuum, however, such as outer space, sound cannot travel because there are no molecules to carry the sound waves.

How far does sound travel through water in 4 seconds?

Sound travels at a speed of approximately 1,500 meters per second in water. Therefore, in 4 seconds, sound would travel approximately 6,000 meters through water.

Sound can travel through what?

Sound can travel through materials that have molecules close enough together to transmit vibrations, such as solid, liquid, or gas. Sound waves propagate by creating compressions and rarefactions in the medium, causing the molecules to vibrate and pass the sound energy along. Sound cannot travel through a vacuum because there are no molecules to transmit the vibrations.

How far can a 3kHz travel?

A 3kHz sound wave can travel a considerable distance, potentially several kilometers in air and even further in water. The distance it can travel depends on factors such as the medium it is traveling through, environmental conditions, and the strength of the sound source.

Do sound waves travel best through air?

Yes, sound waves travel well through air because air is a medium that can transmit sound vibrations effectively. Other materials like water and solids also allow sound waves to travel, but air is the most common medium for sound transmission in our everyday environment.

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How far will sound travel through space in 1 second?

If you're referring to outer space, then sound does not travel at all.

How far does sound travel through air if unimpeded by objects in the environment?

The sound of a volcano that exploded in Indonesia in the 19th century traveled around the world. How far sound will travel depends on how loud it is.

How far does sound travel through water in 4 seconds?

Sound travels at a speed of approximately 1,500 meters per second in water. Therefore, in 4 seconds, sound would travel approximately 6,000 meters through water.

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Sound waves require a medium to travel through to propagate from point A to point B. In space there is no such medium, so sound does not travel in space.

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Sound can travel through what?

Sound can travel through materials that have molecules close enough together to transmit vibrations, such as solid, liquid, or gas. Sound waves propagate by creating compressions and rarefactions in the medium, causing the molecules to vibrate and pass the sound energy along. Sound cannot travel through a vacuum because there are no molecules to transmit the vibrations.

Why does sound travel well through liquid?

Sound travels well through liquid because liquid molecules are in close proximity to each other, allowing vibrations to be transferred efficiently from one molecule to the next. Additionally, the lack of empty spaces in liquids reduces the loss of energy during transmission, enabling sound waves to propagate effectively.

How far will sound travel through air in 1 seconds?

Approximately... 1108 feet. Depending on several factors.

Do sound waves travel best through air?

Yes, sound waves travel well through air because air is a medium that can transmit sound vibrations effectively. Other materials like water and solids also allow sound waves to travel, but air is the most common medium for sound transmission in our everyday environment.

How far will a sonar pulse travel in 45 seconds?

It will depend on the speed of sound in the medium. Sonar is often used for underwater location and the speed of sound through water is quite different from the speed of sound through air.

How far did sound travel to your ear?

Sound can travel around 1,125 feet per second in air. The distance that sound travels to reach your ear depends on the source of the sound and your proximity to it.