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Q: How far can you see city lights at night?
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Why can't we see satellites orbiting?

You can see satellites orbiting. If you go on a clear night to somewhere which is far from city lights, you will sometimes see dots moving across the sky - these are satellites reflecting sunlight.

Can you see the northern lights from Denmark?

Denmark is certainly far enough north to see the northern lights; they've been seen (on extremely rare occasions) as far south as Mexico City.

Why do helicopters have lights?

Helicopters have lights because of night operations. In the city they air lift people to the hospital, sometimes at night, so the helicopters can hit buildings at night without the lights. All aircraft have 'running lights' on them. That is so other aircraft can see them and tell which direction they are traveling.

Where in Alaska can one see the Northern Lights best?

Go as far north as you can get and get as far away from any city lights.Yes and they are a sight to behold.

What are come cities in California where you can see the stars out at night?

Cities in general are bad places to see stars. You need to get out into the country, away from the city lights.

Why can people who live in country see more stars than people who live near a city?

Typically the lights and pollution of the city decrease the visibility of the sky at night. In the country the are no artificial lights and the air is cleaner.

Why can't you see the northern lights near a city?

It is possible to see them near a city, or even in a city. However, cities create light pollution which make it harder to see things in the night sky. You will always see more things and see them better if you are further from a city and in a dark location.

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Why are there street lights?

To help see at night

Why are lights light?

To help see at night

Why is neon used for lights?

The use neon lights so you can see them from far away and they are easier to see.

What does it mean when you see green and white lights on another boat?

i own a boat and fish at night the lights are used at night to warn other boat that they are near for it is hard to see on a lake without and lights.:)