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Each layer of atmosphere around the Earth is found at different heights. The Troposphere is found at 4 to 12 miles, or 23,000 to 65,000 feet above the Earth.

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Q: How far is the troposphere from earth in miles?
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How many miles is the troposphere from earth?

9 miles

How far does the sratoshere extend above earths surface?

The stratosphere isn't on earth's surface, the troposphere is. The stratosphere is the next level of the atmosphere from the troposphere. the atmosphere is about 600 miles or kilometers above earth's surface.

How many miles above earth is the troposphere?

9 miles above earth

How far is the troposphere from the earth?

The troposphere starts from the surface of the Earth until the it ends and goes into the stratosphere.

How far apart is the troposphere to the atmosphere?

The Troposphere is part of the Atmosphere. It is the layer closest to the earth.

How many miles around the troposphere?

The troposphere is the lowest level of the Earth's atmosphere and is approximately the same distance as the Earth's circumference is around 24,902 miles. However, the circumference of the troposphere will be slightly larger as it is higher than the Earth, but for the sake of your question, the difference is negligible.

How far is the troposphere above sea level?

It is aproximently 8 miles.

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