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Q: How far was haig a successful military leader?
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His command structure helped him achieve great military success. He knew who his loyal retainers were and he held them closely. They are now known as the "24 Generals." Shingen also had the luxury of the Takeda Cavalry. Even though the exploits of this unit are greatly overblown, they still were far superior to any of the opponents of the Takeda clan.

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lol I bet your in my history class at liberty

How did Jefferson Davis influence the war?

By means of his experience in military matters, which formed in the whole, a disaster for the Confederacy, because he deemed himself a great strategist and military leader and thereby he assessed his real capabilities far above their actual level.

How successful do you've been so far?

I think they are highly successful

When was Far Eastern Military District created?

Far Eastern Military District was created in 1935.

When did Far Eastern Military District end?

Far Eastern Military District ended in 2010.

How did jerfferson Davis influence to the civil war?

By means of his experience in military matters, which formed in the whole, a disaster for the Confederacy, because he deemed himself a great strategist and military leader and thereby he assessed his real capabilities far above their actual level.

How far it is successful till 1985?


What planet doesn't have a military?

As far as we know only the planet Earth has any military.

What is it called when you are not a leader in dance?

There's no specific word for that as far as I know. Practically speaking, you are the partner of the leader. Follower would be logical, but isn't used as far as I know.

How do you be gym leader in FireRed?

You cannot be a gym leader yourself in any of the Pokemon games, so far.