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That depends on the toy car's weight, size, and the length and height of the ramp.

Use science and math to figure this out.

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Q: How far will a toy car go after going down a ramp?
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How far will a toy car travel after rolling down a ramp?

it all depends on the height of either the ramp or how far up the ramp the toy car rolls from

How does the increasing the height of a ramp affect how far a ball rolls down ramp?

how does increasing the height of a ramp affect how far a ball rolls down the ramp

How does the angle of a ramp affect the distance a toy car will travel?

the steeper the ramp, the farther the car goes. if your ramp is flatter, it won't go as far.

Why does a car go faster if a ramp is steeper?

It will go faster because if you have a small/non-steep ramp the car will go slow and the ending point wont be that far, but if you have a ramp that is bigger/steeper the car will go faster and the ending point will be far.

How does the angle of a ramp affect the distance a toy car travels?

in our experiment the higher angle 60 degrees slow the car down because of the severity of impact where slope/ramp touch the floor. the middle angle 30 degrees had best result with smoothest transition.

How long should a good toy car ramp be?

well how big is ytour car and how far do you want it to go?

What is the effect of surface material on how far a toy car will roll from the bottom of a ramp?

If the surface material is smoother and slipperier, the toy car will go faster. However, if the surface material is bumpier, then the toy car will not go as far.

What is the effect of ramp length on the speed of a marble?

The independent variable is the slope of the ramp because you vary the slope in the experiment. How far the marble travels is the dependent variable because that is what you are measuring.

A student is conducting an experiment to determine how far a ball will roll down a ramp based on the angle of incline. What are three possible controls for this experiment?

The material of the ramp, the volume of the ball, and the mass of the ball.

Does the heaviness of a toy car affect how far it will go off a ramp?

yes, it does. Since gravity effects the car going up a ramp, and the independant variable is the amout of gravity acting upon the car (weight), the more the weight, the slower the car goes up, and since the momentum of the car is weakened, it doesn't go as far. Think of newton 2nd law of motion: The relationship between an object's mass m, its acceleration a, and the applied force F is F = ma (in this law the direction of the force vector is the same as the direction of the acceleration vector).The object's mass also effects it's speed and acceleration, it makes the car take more force in order to move it up the ramp if it's mass is increased. thus, proving the answer: yes.

How far would a car go in an hour?

Depends on how fast the car is going.

Is ski jumping an Olympic event?

yes it is when you go off a ramp and try to get as far as you can from the ramp