

How fast can a duck run?

Updated: 8/10/2023
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16y ago

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Extremely fast; ducks, though usually placid and fairly inactive, are capable of travelling at over 30mph, graduates at Nottingham discovered. Still largely unknown how it achieves such speeds, albeit for breif amounts of time, they postulate it is as a result of their extremely light skeletons yet powerful muscles

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16y ago

depends on its age, and the reason for running, the terrain it has to travel over, but mostly, ( being hollow boned and possesing air manipulating apendages, it will most probably drop a bit of weight from its rear end,utter a sound or two to get the lings clear,and get a lot further up than whatever it was running from :0

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15y ago

ducks swim Very Fast at about 90mph so they are very good swimmers!

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12y ago

well, a wood duck is almost as fast as a wood chuck. but instead of chucking wood the duck will eat grass (AKA 12mph)

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13y ago

About 70 MPH.

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