

How fast is warp one?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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11y ago

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As fast as you want it to be, or as fast as science-fiction writers have already defined it

to be. Warp speed is ... how to put it delicately ... a made-up, pretend, invented, fictitious

concept, dreamed up out of thin air to solve the problem in stories of having the Enterprise

crew get old and die and have their series canceled long before their ship got to where they

wanted to go, with no basis in reality.

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Q: How fast is warp one?
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How fast is warp 9?

1,516 times S.O.L

Make a sentence with the word warp?

Gravity can warp and bend light.

How long would it take to travel to alpha centari at warp 8 when warp travel becomes possible?

All we know about warp drive is that a TV writer invented the idea, and it was used on a couple of popular sci-fi shows and in a few movies. Since no engineering data was ever given, you and I are free to describe warp drive in any way we feel like. Nobody can disagree with anything we say, because we're just makiing it up, exactly like the TV writer did. I'll say the answer to your question is: 10 seconds ... IF you start out with enough dilithium crystals. You can accept that answer if you like it, or change it to anything else that appeals to you. By the way, your question talks about travel to Alpha Centauri, but it doesn't say where the travel starts from. That would have some effect on the answer, I'll bet. Answer: Unfortunately, as logical as the answer from the first writer might be, it is incorrect. There is quite a bit of data specified on the warp drive, only a small portion of which is listed below: "According to the Star Trek episode writer's guide for The Original Series, warp factors are supposedly converted to multiples of c with the cubic function s(w) = w3c, where w is the warp factor, s(w) is the velocity, and c is the speed of light. Accordingly, "warp 1" is equivalent to the speed of light, "warp 2" is eight times the speed of light, "warp 3" is 27 times the speed of light, et cetera. However, this conflicts with the on-screen usage of the technology, as it would make the Enterprise's velocity insufficient for the voyages depicted in the television series. Michael Okuda's new warp scale.For Star Trek: The Next Generation and the subsequent series, Star Trek artist Michael Okuda devised a formula based on the original one but with important differences. For warp 1-9, . In the half-open interval from warp 9 to warp 10, the exponent of w increases toward infinity. Thus, in the Okuda scale, warp velocities approach warp 10 asymptotically. There is no exact formula for this interval because the quoted velocities are based on a hand-drawn curve; what can be said is that at velocities greater than warp 9, the form of the warp function changes because of an increase in the exponent of the warp factor w. Due to the resultant increase in the derivative, even a minor change in the warp factor corresponds to an exponentially larger change in velocity. Exact velocities were only given in the Voyager episode The 37's where Tom Paris describes Voyager's velocity at warp factor 9.9 (under the new warp table formula) as being about 4 billion miles per second, which would be over 21000 times the speed of light." So, if you pick the Earth as your starting point, and assume the simpler 8 * 8 * 8 = 512c for the warp drive function, then given that light takes about 4 years to reach Alpha Centauri, (it being 4 lightyears away), it will take you slightly under 3 days to get there. 4 years / 512 = 2.85 days!

How fast is warp drive?

Speed of light (in a vacuum) = 186,282 miles per second.186,282 * 60 (sec) * 60 (min) = 670,615,200The Speed of light in MPH is = 670,615,200 mph

Why does a space shuttle move in space when there is no gravity?

The warp drive engages.

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bloody fast infininite

How fast is warp 9?

1,516 times S.O.L

How fast is the 1701 D?

The maximum speed of the USS Enterprise NCC-1701-D is Warp 9.65.

In the original Star Trek series How fast was Warp drive?

According to Wikipedia, the Enterprise (NCC-1701) had a maximum speed of warp 9.(Article: "")

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The simple subject of the sentence 'One set of threads is called a warp' is 'set'.

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Theoretical, infinate, if you travel through warp space.

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Are towels woven or knitted?

Towels are woven. Towels are woven on dobby looms, meaning each loom has two sets or warp and thus two warp beams-one warp is called the ground warp and forms the body of the towel and the other is called the pile warp and it produces the terry pile or loop.Read more: bath-towel-2

How do you get to flannery in Pokemon emerald?

After entering the gym, head left and pass the first warp-thing. Enter the warp to the north. Head south and around the wall to the left. Enter the nearest warp (the two that are only separated by a single space are both trainer battles) after going around the wall. Now head south and jump the ledge. On the left side of the wall, there are six warps (the three right-most holes are trainer battles). Enter the northwestern warp. Now head to the warp directly above you (the one to the right is a trainer battle). Now in the room with four warps, the northeastern one is a trainer battle and the one closest to it is the one you want to take. Now go east and enter the closest warp. The current southeastern warp is the target this time. Go south and jump the ledge, entering the next warp. You made it!

What is a Warp Storm in Warhammer 40k?

AnswerIt is an event used mainly in the novels. But it is a storm in the Immaterium that is usually comprised of warp daemons, or the warp just decided to hate what ever travles through a certain area. One can never really be sure.

What is the difference between hyper drive and warp drive?

Warp drive has a powerfull engine that warps space around it and hyper drive travels through space in a streight line where as warp bends the fabric of space to travel from one destination to another

Can an emp warp metal?

No, it cannot warp metal.