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Q: How frequency and wavelength related to specific region of the spectrum?
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Is electromagnetic spectrum and frequency spectrum same?

Electromagnetic waves have an associated frequency and wavelength. They are related by c = λν, where c is the speed of light, λ is the wavelength, and ν is the frequency. All electromagnetic waves travel at the speed of light. A change in frequency results in a change in wavelength (as required by the given equation). In short, yes. They're the same.

How are frequency speed and wavelength related?

they are related by the equation velocity=frequency*wavelength

How is color related to frequency and wave land?

As far as visible light is concerned violet has highest frequency and shortest wavelength where as red has lowest frequency and so longest wavelength VIBGYOR is the order of colours in the visible spectrum

How are wave'sspeed and wavelength and frequency related?

(Wavelength) x (Frequency) = (the Wave's Speed).

What type of proportion are wavelength and frequency in the wavelength frequency equation?

They are inversely related

How is a wave's speed related to its frequency and wavelength?

speed = frequency x wavelength

The color of light is determined by its?

Wavelength, or alternatively its frequency.

What is the relationship between wavelength and frequency in the elecrtomagnetic spectrum?

They are inversely related. The product of these two would give the velocity of electromagnetic wave in the medium. The frequency character would never change as the wave changes from one medium to the other. But as the speed changes then definitely its wavelength would change

How is frequency related to wavelength for a given wave?

(frequency) multiplied by (wavelength) = (speed of the wave)

How is frequency and amplitude related?

Frequency and amplitude are not related. Frequency and wavelength are related. The are the inverse of one another.

How are wavelength frequency and energy are related?

Energy of light photons is related to frequency as Energy = h(Planck's constant)* frequency Frequency = velocity of wave / wavelength So energy = h * velocity of the wave / wavelength

Is speed wavelength and frequency of a wave related by a scientific theory?

No. They're related by the definitions of the wave's speed, wavelength, and frequency.