

How hard is element 113?

Updated: 5/28/2024
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12y ago

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This has not been determined, as we have not yet created a sufficient quantity (or any that stuck around long enough before decomposing- it's an unstable element) to test this.

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3d ago

Atomic element 113, also known as Nihonium, is a superheavy synthetic element that is highly unstable and difficult to produce. It has a very short half-life, making it challenging to study and work with in a laboratory setting. However, its properties and behavior are still being investigated to further understand the characteristics of superheavy elements.

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The element with atomic number 113 is Ununtrium (Uut). It has been observed but not officially discovered. It is said to have 113 electrons on 7 shells with 3 electrons in the outer shell. It would be synthetic and highly radioactive.

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Element 113 would be most like Boron, Aluminum, Gallium, Indium and Thallium because it is in the same group (XII) of the periodic table.

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113% = 113/100113% = 113/100113% = 113/100113% = 113/100

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