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Q: How has the Chinese inventions helped us today?
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What are the Chinese inventions of the Han dynatsy are still with us today?

Chopsticks jk,they had similar technology structures to the Romans they had better crossbows than Romans but they were no match for the Roman artillery sorry i have no real answer

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It helped us by creating the theory of seafloor spreading which is the proof alfred needed to complete his hypothesis

How do two sumerian inventions affect us today?

the wheel and irragation

How is ben Franklin's invention impact on lives today?

with some poop. it is not withe poop actually it helped us a lot with out his discovery of electricity or with out all of his inventions we would be hurt badly

How does Albert Einstein help the US today?

He helped the US of today by giving us theories that helped explore new fields of technology.

How did the inventions in the textile industry lead to outer inventions?

well,it helped us know about new things like iron,computors,cotton gins,and etc.....

What did Chinese immigrants helped build?

US railroads mostly.

Foreign scientists with their inventions and pictures.?

There are many foreign scientists that have helped to influence the world around us. You can find pictures of these scientists with their inventions by doing an image search.

How did the new inventions change Americans way of life?

helped us fly aroud the world and play minecraft

How does Abraham help us today?

He helped free us from enslavement.