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They change the earth in many ways, two major ways are; firstly they change the amount of land mass or water at the poles and equator, affecting the earths temperature greatly, and also they create or destroy land routes between continents. at one point all the land on earth was one large mass and you could have walked around one coastline! So in terms of how they affect the earth, this would be two ways that in turn have some huge ramifications. Tectonic plates are largely defined by fault lines and subduction zones that surroud them. They move through a process of subduction where new land is created in the middle and dissappears, often beneath continents, at the edges. this often means that large continents are pushed apart, but that is not always the case. the important thing to realise is that the earths crust is very thin comared to its non-solid interior, and as such moves about quite freely over time. a million years from now the earth will look quite different than today!

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13y ago
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15y ago

well, when plate tectonics run into each other they create force ,which squishes the mountain and makes a big if i put clay in the middle of two blocks and put all my force into squishing the blocks together i would create lumpy clay which would be called a mountain or tsunami or something on the lines of that.

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9y ago

Each type of plate boundaries generates distinct geologic processes and landforms. So therefore because of the movements of the plates the earth changes by making new mountains, volcanos, deep ocean ridges, and other types of landforms.

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13y ago

The tectonic plates are moving far away from each other. From Heavenly Johnson in Calumet, City 525 Price Ave. rear

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13y ago

Earthquakes are caused by plate tectonics. The moving plates build pressure and release it abruptly causing a quake.

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11y ago

They change the relative positions of the various continents as well as redefine the continents themselves.

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12y ago

Things like volcanoes have formed over millions of years, The tectonic plates collide which forces them up, that it how we get the ring of fire.

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13y ago

cause it does

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12y ago

holy cow

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Q: How has the movement of tectonic plates changed the earth?
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