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Q: How has tourism and travel changed from the beginning of America to today?
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How has travel and tourism changed since 1945?

Travel and tourism has changed since 1945. More travelers travel by airplane, and there are more things to do and see in 2014.

How has terrorism changed travel and tourism?

It has changed a lot. The reason is because of 911. And I'm, guessing( if you are smart) that you know the rest.

What is the best destination to travel in South America?

Brazil and Argentina are known for its tourism. Any other spot apart from these known for tourism.

Can Brazilians freely travel to America for tourism?

no they cannot. they are required to get a tourist visa, the same policy applies for am American who wishes to go to Brazil for tourism.

What is the relationship of travel and tourism?

the realionship between the organisation in the travel and tourism.

Is tourism or travel a major industry in Alaska?

tourism and travel is not a industry.

Who is India travel and tourism minister?

Ambika Soni is the minister for tourism and travel.

Components in travel and tourism industry?

Components of travel and tourism we mean the different parts of the industry that provides travel and tourism products and services. -Perky-

Why has tourism changed in the last 50 years?

tourism has changed in the last 50 yeaes due to technology making it more affordable for people to travel! dor example someone can afford to go abroad at least once every 2 years!

How has tourism changed over the last 50years?

One way that tourism has changed is because of the improved technology, for example, the invention of airplanes has made it easier for people to travel, furthermore, flights are cheaper and more people are able to afford holidays abroad.

What is the studies of tourism?

Tourism Geography which includes study of tourism and travel

What is the function of government sponsored bodies in travel and tourism?

which are the government sponsored bodies in tourism and travel