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Gold is pretty soft. Between 2.5 and 3 on the hardness scale. This means that gold is more maleable than many other metals and can be easily formed. Actually gold can be beaten so thin that light can pass through it. It has a very distinctive yellow metalic luster.

Gold's maleability combined with its ability to resist corrosion made it very popular in early cultures. Simply put gold was pretty, easy to work with and held its beauty long past most other metals. That has remained consant through history and even today we value gold for those attributes. However, today its industrial uses make gold even more valuable than just simple useful beauty.

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Q: How have the hardness and luster of gold made it an important metal?
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What is gold's hardness and luster?

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What do mineralogists do to identify minerals?

Hardness, luster, and scratch color help narrow down the possibilities . . . specific gravity and chemical analyses follow. As an example, gold and pyrite look about the same - both have a somewhat shiny luster. The streak color, though is black for pyrite and yellowish for gold. Hardness of pyrite is 6-something on the hardness scale, and gold is around 2.5, which is much softer.

What kind of luster does gold have?

bright yellow, metallic luster

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Most metallic minerals have a metallic luster on freshly fractured surfaces. Silver and gold are examples of minerals with metallic luster.

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Does gold scratch glass?

If the nail is made of metal alloy with a Mohs hardness of 2.5-3 or greater, and the gold is pure, yes.

Is silicon shiny?

Yes it does, but not as shiny as silver or gold. That is one feature that makes it a metalloid.

How much pressure does it take to crush gold?

Gold is a soft metal, in the past people used to test the quality of the gold by biting it. It has a hardness of 2.5.

What is gold's luster?

Yellow, shiny. I don't believe there is a numerical luster scale, just on ordinal one. gold can be polished to as good a reflective surface as any other metal (but some wavelengths will be absorbed thus its yellow color)

What odor does gold have?

It smells like platinum, only differentokay, then what does platinum smell like?

Isn't the element gold the color gold?

well yes, unless it is not shined, but gold, like on rings and watches and jewlery, it is indeed an element and since it is a metal it has luster which is characteristic of metals maning it shines

What important metal sought by conquistadores?
