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Q: How illiteracy affects the economy of a country?
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A high rate of adult illiteracy limits the progress and production that a country can make in today's modern world. The country has to rely on imports for many modern conveniences.

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The Economy effect cash flow the most. Also inflation, and country to country relations.

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sensex doesnt affects economy but economy affects sensex

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The economy only gets bad when a country's population shrinks, and elderly people stop working. If elderly people still work in a country with a declining population, it doesn't affects the economy.

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the leader making a mistake which then affects the whole country in a negative way.

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Illitracy is a threat of to the unit

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Illitracy is a threat of to the unit

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Disease that affects food, Drought, Food Warning, War, Raided, Poor Economy.

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it was the economy

What does illiteracy affect to?

It worsen the society and break down for the country developpement