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Fiji became part of the British Empire in October 1874.

It regained independence in 1970.

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Britain took over Fiji on 10th Otober,1864

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In two complete sentence explain why Fiji was ceded to Great. Britain

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From 1874 to 1970.

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Q: How is Fiji connected to the british empire?
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When did Fiji leave the british empire?

October 10th, 1970.

How was Fiji introduced into the british empire?

by a warm welcoming becouse it became a famouse and well known tourist sight for holiday sights

How does Fiji's government work?

Fiji's Government structure is the same as the British - The WestMinster Abbey.

Why did Fiji become part of the british empire?

Fiji became part of the British Empire when Ratu Seru Cakobau who ceeded Fiji to Great Britain after many debates on who is going to pay for the burnt house of Captain Charles Wilkes who happends to be an American. Her Majesty Queen Victoria agreed to pay the debt and accepted Fiji to be ceeded as her own. During her reigning years, Fiji uses, pounds and shillings and the Union Jack as its flag.

Is Fiji a British colony?

No, Fiji was a British colony up until 1970 when the island country gained independence. In 1988, Fiji had a military coup d'etat and established a republic from then on.

Why Fiji does not have zip code?

Fiji do have zipcodes called flats. Fiji mainly uses British terms and words.

When did Fiji stat to mint money?

Ever since the British lay eyes on Fiji. Fiji have been using British currency back in the olden days until October 10th 1970 when Fiji gained Independence from Britain.

Is there a royal family in Fiji?

yes and no. The British Royal Family is the royal family of Fiji but not in Fiji. They visit on certain occasions

Why is Fiji pronounced that way?

Fiji was discovered by British Sailor and navigator Capt James Cook. He called the islands FeeJee, the natives called it Viti. Then the British changed its name from FeeJee to Fiji.

What is Fiji law back in the past?

In the past, Fiji uses the British law and system not until 1970 when Fiji got Independant.

Why do Australia and Fiji have the British flag at the side but Singapore doesn't have?

Because Australia and Fiji were considered major colonies for the British, but Singapore was just an establishment.

How is Africa connected to the UK?

At one time some of the countries in Africa were part of the British empire. Now they are independent, but some are members of the Commonwealth of Nations, an organisation that has some of the old British empire countries as members.