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Act 3 is the centre of most Shakespearean plays. By Act 3 of Macbeth, Macbeth has succeeded in becoming the king as he had hoped. He is still uneasy about his situation, and hopes to cure his uneasiness by irrational violence. The first such act is to assassinate Banquo, but it results in Macbeth becoming increasingly unstable, even in public, and particularly at the dinner party where he sees Banquo's ghost.

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Q: How is Macbeth presented in the middle of the play?
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What is the name of the play that some critic say that shakespeare used to write Macbeth?

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Who is the main character in the play Macbeth?

Macbeth and Lady Macbeth.

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Macbeth is a tragedy.

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Who is the main character in Macbeth?

The main character in the play "Macbeth" is of course Macbeth

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Two coronations are referred to in the play: that of Macbeth, and that of Malcolm. Neither of them really inherits the throne, because the law of that time held that the king was elected (see "Then 'tis most likely the election will fall on Macbeth")

Do you like Lady Macbeth?

Do you mean Macbeth the person or Macbeth the play? Because it is possible to like the play and not like the person much.

Who kills Banquo in the play?

Macbeth kills Banquo in the play and then Banquo's ghost haunts Macbeth.

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