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Tom Riddle's mother was a pure-blood witch called Mereope Gaunt. One of the Gaunt's ancestors was Salazar Slytherin himself. The Gaunt's, and Tom, could speak Parseltonuge. Once Tom found the Chamber he could open it.

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Q: How is Tom Riddle the heir of Slytherin?
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Who is in Voldemort's family?

it dates back to Salazar Slytherin (hence heir of Slytherin) Tom Riddle senior along with his relatives the Gaunt family his parents are Merope Gaunt and Tom Riddle Senior

Who built the Chamber of Secrets?

Tom Riddle (Lord Voldemort). The second time he was acting through Ginny Weasley.

How any horcruxes are there total?

There are 7 horcruxes. The diary of Tom Riddle, the cup of Helga Hufflepuff, the diadem of Rowena Ravenclaw, the locket of Salazar Slytherin, the ring which belonged to Voldemort's grandfather, the snake Nagini, and one was inside Harry.

Is Salazar the heir of Slytherin?

Salazar Slytherin, in the Harry Potter series, is one of the four founders of Hogwarts. He and Godric Gryffindor, Helga Hufflepuff, and Rowena Ravenclaw helped build the school, but Slytherin and the others fell out, Slytherin pronouncing that the school should only be for pure-bloods, wizards born of wizards for generations, the others saying that Hogwarts should be for everybody, and soon, Slytherin built a chamber within a school, letting inside it a terrible monster that his heir would unlock, and kill those born of muggles, muggle-borns, but, this was eventually killed by Harry.

What is the conclusion to Harry Potter and the sorcerer stone?

Harry Potter kills the Basilisk and then stabs Tom Riddle's diary, saving Ginny Weasley and (unknowingly) destroying one of Lord Voldemort's Horcruxes. At the very end of the novel, Harry helps to free Dobby the house elf from the Malfoy's.

Related questions

Who is in Voldemort's family?

it dates back to Salazar Slytherin (hence heir of Slytherin) Tom Riddle senior along with his relatives the Gaunt family his parents are Merope Gaunt and Tom Riddle Senior

How did he realized that he is heir of slytherin?

Harry Potter discovers that he is the heir of Slytherin in "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets" through a series of events that lead him to the Chamber, where he battles the basilisk and Tom Riddle's memory. He learns that he can speak Parseltongue, the language of snakes, which is a trait of Slytherin's heirs.

Why was Tom Riddle in Slytherin?

Tom Riddle was chosen to be in Slytherin because he already new dark arts without a wand.

Who was the first person to find the Chamber of Secrets?

Salazar Slytherin made it, then many years later, in 1942, his heir Tom Marvolo Riddle found it.

What have Tom Riddle Harry Potter and Salazar Slytherin got in common?


What is Tom Riddle's favorite color?

It isn't explicitly stated what Tom Riddle Junior (Lord Voldemort)'s favourite colour is in the novels, films or games of the Harry Potter series. However, as Tom Riddle was ridiculously proud of his Hogwarts House, and of being an ancestor of Salazar Slytherin, it can be very safely assumed that his favourite colours were those of Slytherin house: green and silver.

What are the horchruxees tom riddle uses?

First off its spelled Horcruxes... It was the locket of Slytherin, the cup of Hufflepuff, the diadem of Ravenclaw, Nagini the snake, Tom Riddle's diary, Gaunt's ring, and Harry :)

Who built the Chamber of Secrets?

Tom Riddle (Lord Voldemort). The second time he was acting through Ginny Weasley.

What is Tom Riddle's favorite color?

It isn't explicitly stated what Tom Riddle Junior (Lord Voldemort)'s favourite colour is in the novels, films or games of the Harry Potter series. However, as Tom Riddle was ridiculously proud of his Hogwarts House, and of being an ancestor of Salazar Slytherin, it can be very safely assumed that his favourite colours were those of Slytherin house: green and silver.

Tom marvolo riddle is a half blood?

Yes he is a half-blood wizard. He was the son of Merope Gaunt, a pure-blood witch and a descendant of Salazar Slytherin and a muggle Tom Riddle Sr.

Who caused troubled at Hogwarts?

Tom Riddle, or rather the version of him that is also Voldemort. He is the heir of Slytherin, therefore giving him the ability to open the Chamber of Secrets, the secret passage that holds the Basilisk, located in a girl's bathroom haunted by a Ravenclaw ghost named Moaning Myrtle.

How any horcruxes are there total?

There are 7 horcruxes. The diary of Tom Riddle, the cup of Helga Hufflepuff, the diadem of Rowena Ravenclaw, the locket of Salazar Slytherin, the ring which belonged to Voldemort's grandfather, the snake Nagini, and one was inside Harry.