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Uranus rotates on its side

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Q: What makes Uranus different among the gas giants?
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Whether or not if Uranus is a terrestrial planet or gas giant?

Uranus has a rocky/metal interior but an extensive gaseous envelope makes it a gaseous planet.

What makes the surface of Uranus?

yes you can answer

What makes Uranus ring so narrow?

Uranus is tilted on it's side which makes us perceive them as being very narrow.

What was the power of Uranus or ouranos the greek god?

He was the personification of the sky. Cronus is his son, which makes Zeus his grandson. He was the father of the Hundred-Handed Giants, the Cyclopes and the Titans, so he had all the forces of evil on his side.

How Uranus' axis of rotation differs from those of other planets?

Uranus' axis of rotation is different in that it rotates at close to a 90 degree angle. This makes it rotate nearly parallel to the plane of the Solar System.

What makes up the surface of uranus?

yes you can answer

What makes up Uranus' surface?


What makes up the atmosphere of Planet Uranus?


What makes Uranus uniqu?

Rotates on it's side

Is there gas on Uranus?

The planet Uranus does have gas. One of the most abundant is methane which makes the planet look blue.

What makes uranus different from the other planets?

Because of the strange way it spins, nights on some parts of Uranus can last for more than 40 years. The planet's most extraordinary feature is the tilt of its rotational axis, which is almost perpendicular to the plane of the ecliptic, which means that it alternately has its north pole and its south pole turned towards the sun.

Which feature makes uranus most similar to earth?

i have no clue