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A comets orbit is elliptical and goes into the depth of the solar system and speed up when it goes around the sun

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Q: How is a comet's orbit different from the moon or planets?
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Related questions

How is a moon different from a planet?

Planets orbit stars, moons orbit planets. That is the only difference.

How is a moon different to a planet?

Planets are in direct orbit around the sun, while moons are in orbit around the planets.

Do moons orbit anything other than planets?

A moon is an object larger than about 50 miles across, which orbits a planet. Objects which orbit stars are called either planets, of if they are small, asteroids, or comets. So a moon does not orbit anything other than a planet.

What is a natural object that orbits the sun?

There are many different kinds of objects that orbit the sun. There are planets and the asteroids as well as comets and other smaller bits of debris.

List of planets in order that orbit the moon?

No planets are in orbit around the moon

How is moon different than a planet?

The moon orbits the planet Earth rather than the sun, so it is considered a moon.

Do all planets orbit the moon?

No. The planets orbit the sun.

How do moons orbit the planets?

the planets do not orbit the moon but the moon orbits the planets because of gravity and inertia

What was the first planet to orbit the moon?

The moon orbits our planet. Planets do not orbit moon. A moon is a moon because it orbits planets. The reverse of your question, 'What was the first moon to orbit a planet.', is hard to say. Moons are formed in different ways and because of this can be made of materials that existed long before they became moons.

How the moon orbit the sun?

None. This is a trick question. Moons orbit PLANETS. Planets orbit the Sun.

Does the moon revolve round the planets?

Moons orbit planets Or rather moons and planets orbit their barycenter.

How is the moon different from a planet?

the moons orbit the planet but the planets orbit the sunMoons revolve round planets. Planets revolve round suns.___________AlternateThe truth is that planets orbit round their moons, or more precisely a planet and its moon(s) orbit around their barycenter, the center of gravity of the planet-moon system. This is true for the earth, but this orbital motion of earth is less noticeable than the orbital motion of the smaller moon. I think the real difference between planets and their moons is relative size.