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A:One difference is that a gospel is a scripture, usually written as a biography.

Another is that a biography tells us facts about events in the life of the subject person or about his personality. If the biography is found not to be substantially factual it is no longer a biography. On the other hand, a gospel remains a gospel whether or not it is factual. While Christians will insist that the four New Testament gospels are indeed factual, there were other gospels written, that modern Christians will recognise as substantially non-factual.

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A gospel is a narrative of the life and teachings of Jesus Christ from a religious perspective, while a biography is a written account of a person's life from a secular viewpoint. Gospels often include theological interpretations and emphasize faith, while biographies focus on facts and historical accuracy. Additionally, gospels typically serve a spiritual or instructional purpose, while biographies aim to provide a comprehensive understanding of a person's life.

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