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Really? whole numbers are like dollar bills. if there is no change then $1.00 can be just $1 a whole number, no decimals, and so can all other total dollar amounts.

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Q: How is adding and subracting with money like adding and subtracting whole numbers?
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it have to deal with money cents percent dividing adding and other things

How is adding and subtracting with money like adding and subtracting whole numbers?

they are both the same because you get the same answers you just drop the $ sign. Ex. $3.56+$1.50=$5.06 and 3.56=1.50=5.06

Use of natural number in real life?

natural numbers are used in real life for counting, adding, subtracting and even for calculting money purposes

How do bankers use adding and subtracting?

To count money, they have to multiply. When the multiplication is finished they have to add the products together. When some one deposits or withdraws money, the banker uses adding and subtracting to find the new balance of the account.

Does how much money is left is it subtracting or adding?

Subtracting. When you are given a problem asking "how much money is left," that means some money was taken away, and you are asked about the remaining amount. To take away money means using subtraction.

How is adding and subtracting with money like adding and subtracting with numbers?

Yes I believe so. Since you can go all the way up to 99 cents, you can add them like numbers. For example: If you had an amount of money of $3.24 it would be like 3.24 - you just drop the dollar sign. So if you had $3.24 and you added $5.03, you would write the equation like this: 3.24 + 5.03. 3.24 +5.03 -------- 8.27 Your answer would be $8.27. You could also carry if you need to. This would be the same with subtraction. Act as if the cents were places after the decimal.

If someone puts money in your bank account what will happen?

If you mean someone you don't know, then they will keep adding and subtracting money from the account. If it is someone you know, then you just got a few extra bucks.

Why is positive minus negative positive plus positive?

To subtract a negative number is the equivalent of adding a positive number. Subtracting is the opposite of adding. If adding a negative number is equivalent to subtraction, then subtracting a negative number must be equivalent to addition. A big positive number, such as, let us say, having a large bank account, is the opposite of having a large debt, which would be a negative amount of money. If you owe a thousand dollars, that means you have negative $1000. If you can subtract that debt by paying it off, then you have added $1000 to your net worth. so it makes perfect sense.

The amount of money earned after subtracting the costs associated with that earning is known as?


What is total earning?

The amount of money earned after subtracting expenses. Also called profit.

How can you make sum money?

by adding to it pam

What does balance mean for money?

adding and subbtracting