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Q: How is an object at rest shown on a distance vs. time graph?
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How do you tell form a distance-time graph when an object is at rest?

The graph is parallel to the time axis, normally the horizontal axis.

What can you say about the motion of an object whose distance time graph is a straight parallel to the time axis?

object is at rest

What can you say about the motion of an object whose distance time graph is a straight line parallel to the time axis?

An object with a distance-time graph that is a straight line parallel to the time axis is not moving, it is at rest. The object is not changing its position with respect to time.

If a line on a distance versus time graph is horizontal what does that say about the motion of the object?

If a line on a distance versus time graph is horizontal, it indicates that the object is not changing its position over time. In other words, the object is at rest and not moving.

What line on a distance-versus-time graph means that the object is at rest?

A straight horizontal one does.

If an object is at rest how do you graph it?

If an object is at rest, its position versus time graph would be a straight horizontal line at the position value where the object is located. The slope of this line would be zero, indicating no change in position over time.

What is the slope in the distance time graph when the body is at rest?

The slope of the distance-time graph when the body is at rest is zero. This indicates that there is no change in distance over time, meaning the body is stationary or not moving.

What can you say about the motion of an object whose distance time graph is a straight line parallel to time axis?

The object is stationary as its velocity is zero. The velocity of an object is the gradient of its distance-time graph and as the graph is a horizontal straight line, its gradient is zero. The object is stationary also as its distance from the time axis is not increasing.

Does a horizontal line on a distance-time graph means the object is moving at a constant speed?

Yes, a horizontal line on a distance-time graph represents an object moving at a constant speed. The slope of the line on a distance-time graph represents the speed of the object, and if the line is horizontal, it means the object is moving at a constant speed as there is no change in distance over time.

The motion represented by a horizontal line on a distance time graph?

It represents that the object is remaining at a fixed distance. Typically that means it is not moving.Motion in a horizontal line by distance can be shown on a graph. This is what tells the Y-axis.

What does a horizontal line on a distance-time graph indicate?

It means there is no velocity - it is at rest and nothing is moving. The slope of the line is velocity - a horizontal line is zero slope = zero velocity

If a graph shows time on the horizontal axis and speed on the vertical axis a straight horizontal line across the graph would indacate?

that would indicate that the object is at rest (static object) :D