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When blood vessels are cut- the blood will flowout of them. There are 3categories that aremost common: -Scrape or cut - you ride your bike and scrape your knee badly; blood vessels and skin are torn. The blood from the ruptured capillaries, arteries, veins flows out. Eventually a scab will form. -Black and Blue- You bang your arm into a shelf, the vessels under your skin have ruptured and blood leaks out. But, because your skin is not "broken" the blood remains under the layer of skin revealing a blue-ish discoloration (deoxygenated blood cells). -Internal Bleeding- You get into a car accident and break a rib which punctures your lung. You may have ruptured blood vessels within tissue/organ/part of the body that may not be visible. A doctor would be best in this situation.

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When an object such as a rope squeezes somewhere such as your leg too tight, it makes the sides of your veins touch so that blood cannot pass through, not cannot circulate.

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Your blood coagulates with blood platelets to stop the bleeding.

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When you get cut by paper what blood vessels are cut?

Generally the capillaries.

Your skin bleeds when you cut it but why doesn't your hair?

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Plasma helps stop blood from flowing out of your body when you have a cut.

What is the name of the tiny blood vessels that bleed if you cut your finger?

capillaries Capillary.

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If an artery is cut, blood will flow out rapidly in a pulsating manner. These high pressure vessels can result in large blood loss iff cut.

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Because there is no blood vessels in your hair and nails.

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If the blood is allowed to continue flowing, then the man would eventually die from blood loss.

What can be used in surgery because they can seal blood vessels as they cut through tissue?

A cauterizer or stitch.

What blood vessel would be cut when removing a heart?

The major blood vessels coming into the heart are the superior and inferior vena cava. The aorta leaves the heart. These would have to be cut.

What do you do when you get a large cut on your arm and then it turn black and blue?

When we cut the skin, we cut small blood vessels called capillaries. The blood seeps into the tissues around the cut. This creates a bruise. Medically it is called a contusion. The bruise will heal as your cut heals.

What do phagocytes do to bacteria?

They engulf it! When you get a cut, your bloodvessels dialate and the white blood cells (phagocytes) will leak from the nearest blood vessels and eat the bacteria near the cut. i think it has to do with innate immunity or imflammatory response

Why does a cut throb?

This is a combination of inflammation occurring through tissue swelling and heat as part of the natural immune response as well as cut blood vessels continuing to pump blood before thrombosing and closing.