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The epiphyseal plate is a section of hyaline cartilage that seperates the epiphysis from the diaphysis in long bones. The growth and ossification of the epiphyseal plate is responsible for the bone growing longer. Articulate cartilage is similar, however, it is found on the outside layer of the epiphysis. It grows and resorbs allowing for the remodelling of the bone. The epiphyseal line is the remains of the epiphyseal plate once it has stopped growing.

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10h ago

Bone marrow, articular cartilage, epiphyseal line, and epiphyseal plate are all components of the skeletal system. Articular cartilage covers the ends of long bones that form joints. The epiphyseal line represents a remnant of the epiphyseal plate, which is a cartilaginous plate in long bones where growth occurs. Bone marrow is the soft tissue found inside bones that produces blood cells and stores fat.

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Q: How is bone marrow articular cartilage the epiphyseal line and epiphyseal plate related?
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Where within the epiphyseal plate is the dividing cartilage cells located?

It is located in the marrow cavity

What is the smooth tissue that acts as a buffer between bones?

Cartilage is the smooth tissue that acts as a buffer between bones, providing cushioning and reducing friction during movement. It helps to absorb shock and distribute weight evenly across the joints.

What on the outside of the long bone is made of hyaline cartilage?

Hyaline cartilage actually it is articular cartilage that lines the end of long bones. depending on the age of the body and whether it is a fetus or child/adult. hyaline cartilage disappears around the 6th week old fetal development and is replaces with osseous tussue. there is a region, farther from the marrow cavity, that consists of typical hyaline cartilage that shows no sign of transformation into bone in the early years of growth. it is in the "zone of reserve cartilage"

What bone is found towards the ends of long bones?

Long bone: the ends are called the epiphysis, the shaft is called the diaphysis. There is articular cartilage on either ends. The long bones distally and proximally have red marrow. There is yellow marrow in the diaphysis. The yellow marrow is mostly fat. On the surface of the bone is a periosteum which covers the endosteum. The center is called the medullary cavity.The epiphysis is made of spongy cancellous bone covered by a thin layer of compact bone. It is connected to the bone shaft by the epiphyseal cartilage, or growth plate, which aids in the growth of bone length and is eventually replaced by bone.

Is spngy bone filled with cartilage?

No, spongy bone is not filled with cartilage. Spongy bone is a type of bone tissue that consists of trabeculae which form a lattice-like structure filled with bone marrow. Cartilage is a different type of connective tissue that is found at the ends of bones, in the joints, and within the nose and ears.

Related questions

Where within the epiphyseal plate is the dividing cartilage cells located?

It is located in the marrow cavity

What is the smooth tissue that acts as a buffer between bones?

Cartilage is the smooth tissue that acts as a buffer between bones, providing cushioning and reducing friction during movement. It helps to absorb shock and distribute weight evenly across the joints.

What is at the end of bones?

In the epiphysis, or end of the bone, is spongy bone which contains red bone marrow. On the external part of the epiphysis is articular or hyaline cartilage.

What Tissue is present in long bone?

Long bones contain compact bone tissue on the outer layer and spongy bone tissue on the inner layer. Compact bone provides strength and support, while spongy bone helps to reduce the bone's weight without compromising its strength.

What is the cushion between two bones?

Cartilage tissue.

Is spngy bone filled with cartilage?

No, spongy bone is not filled with cartilage. Spongy bone is a type of bone tissue that consists of trabeculae which form a lattice-like structure filled with bone marrow. Cartilage is a different type of connective tissue that is found at the ends of bones, in the joints, and within the nose and ears.

What on the outside of the long bone is made of hyaline cartilage?

Hyaline cartilage actually it is articular cartilage that lines the end of long bones. depending on the age of the body and whether it is a fetus or child/adult. hyaline cartilage disappears around the 6th week old fetal development and is replaces with osseous tussue. there is a region, farther from the marrow cavity, that consists of typical hyaline cartilage that shows no sign of transformation into bone in the early years of growth. it is in the "zone of reserve cartilage"

What is the thick white fibrous membrane that covers the surface of the long bones?

Long bone: the ends are called the epiphysis, the shaft is called the diaphysis. There is articular cartilage on either ends. The long bones distally and proximally red marrow. There is yellow marrow in the diaphysis. The yellow marrow is mostly fat. On the surface of the bone is a periosteum which covers the endosteum. The center is called the medullary cavity.

Covers long bone except at its joint surfaces?


What is the soft part on the bone called?

The soft part on the bone is called bone marrow, which is a spongy tissue found inside bones. Bone marrow is responsible for producing blood cells and storing fat in the body.

What bone is found towards the ends of long bones?

Long bone: the ends are called the epiphysis, the shaft is called the diaphysis. There is articular cartilage on either ends. The long bones distally and proximally have red marrow. There is yellow marrow in the diaphysis. The yellow marrow is mostly fat. On the surface of the bone is a periosteum which covers the endosteum. The center is called the medullary cavity.The epiphysis is made of spongy cancellous bone covered by a thin layer of compact bone. It is connected to the bone shaft by the epiphyseal cartilage, or growth plate, which aids in the growth of bone length and is eventually replaced by bone.

What is located in your bone?

marrow, cartilage, blood vessels and nerves.