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The Net Filtration Pressure (NFP) at the glomerulus is the difference between the net hydrostatic pressure and the blood colloid osmotic pressure acting across the glomerular capillaries. Under normal circumstances we can summarize this as



NFP = 35mm Hg - 25 mm Hg = 10mm Hg

This is the average pressure forcing water and dissolved materials out of the glomerular capillaries and into the capsular spaces.

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Q: How is effective filtration pressure calculated?
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How does pressure affect filtration?

Pressure will increase the filtration rate all other things being equal.

Starlings Law of Capillaries states that?

Starling's law of the capillaries states that the net filtration = forces favouring filtration vs. forces opposing filtration. These forces include: Tonicity, Blod Hydrostatic Pressure (BHP), Blood Colloid Osmotic Pressure (BCOP), Interstitial Fluid Hydrostatic Pressure (IFHP), Interstitial Fluid Colloidal Pressure (IFCOP) and membrane permeability. Therefore effective filtration pressure (and the application of Starling's Law of the Capillaries) is defined as such: EFP=(BHP + IFCOP) - (IFHP + BCOP) Therefore: BHP + IFCOP moves fluid out of the capillaries and IFHP + BCOP moves fluid into capillaries

How do you increase filtration rate under constant pressure?

increase the area of filtration

Which is more effective method of separation- decantation or filtration?

Both decantation and filtration can be effective methods, but they are used for different substances. Decantation is used for solutions that can be separated and filtration is used for solutions with thicker particles that can be filtered out.

Why does blood get filtered by the kidneys?

Blood pressure promotes filtration of blood in the kidneys by, generally, being greater in pressure than blood colloid osmotic pressure and glomerular capsule pressure which produces a net filtration pressure of about 10 mm Hg. Net filtration pressure forces a large volume of fluid into the capsular space. When blood pressure increase or decreases slightly, changes in the diameters of the afferent and efferent arterioles can actually keep net filtration pressure steady to maintain normal glomerular filtration. Constriction of the afferent arteriole decreases blood flow into the glomerulus, which decreases net filtration pressure. Constriction of the efferent arteriole slows outflow of blood and increases net filtration pressure.

Define glomerular filtration rate Name and describe the pressures which are effective at the glomerulus under normal conditions and result in glomerular filtration?

Glomerular filtration is a passive process in which hydrostatic pressure forces fluids and solutes through a membraneThe glomerular filtration rate (GFR) is directly proportional to the net filtration pressure and is about 125 ml/min (180 L/day).The glomeruli function as filters. High glomerular blood pressure (55 mm Hg) occurs because the glomeruli are fed and drained by arterioles, and the afferent arterioles are larger in diameter than the efferent arterioles.

What would happen to the filtration rate if you apply pressure to the filtration system?

It would increase

What would happen to the filtration rate if you were to apply pressure to the filtration system?

It would increase.

What would happen to the filtration rate if you were to apply pressure to filtration system?

It would increase.

What would happen to the filtration rate if you applied pressure to the filtration system?

It would increase

How does glomerular hydrostatic pressure effect filtration rate?

As the Glomerular Hydrostatic Pressure (GHP) goes up, the Filtration rate goes up.

What is ultimately responsible for glomerular filtration?

Net filtration pressure responsible for forming renal filtrate.