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Q: How is empire linked to nationalism ww1?
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How did Balkan nationalism nationalism contribute to the decline of the Ottoman Empire?

nationalism in Balkan helped contribute to the outbreak of world war 1(WW1).

How did the Balkan nationalism contribute to the of the ottoman empire?

nationalism in Balkan helped contribute to the outbreak of world war 1(WW1).

How Balkan nationalism contributed to the decline of the Ottoman Empire?

nationalism in Balkan helped contribute to the outbreak of world war 1(WW1).

How did national contribute to the decline of the Ottoman Empire?

nationalism in Balkan helped contribute to the outbreak of world war 1(WW1).

How did nationalism help cause ww1?

Nationalism was the most important cause of ww1 this is because the war was made to show which country was the best. ''Austria was afraid of it's empire breaking up, Which would lead it to losing it's power'' Therefore, it is clear that nationalism was the most important cause of ww1 as the countries wouldn't of gone to war if they did not want to show that they were the best. Nationalism is more important than imperialism (Next paragraph) because none of this would've occurred if nationalism wasn't there.

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How was Nationalism a problem in the First World War?

Germany's transfer to a colonial empire, building of the navy and her victory against the French stimulated the triple entente. The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand was inspired by Serbian nationalism, but started WW1

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What Middle Eastern empire was threatened by nationalism?

The Ottoman Empire was a Middle Eastern empire torn apart by nationalism.

How did nationalism help cause world war 1?

four things of Nationalism that help cause WW1:spread of public opinions in Balkans, Germany, and Britain.spread of Napoleonic wars.Ethnic nationalism in Ottoman Empire specifically Slavic people (serbs) against Austriahungrarians.Assassination of Archduke of Austria by Serbian Nationalist.

Which aging empires suffered from the forces of nationalism?

Austrian Empire, Russian Empire and Ottoman Empire suffered from the forces of nationalism.

How was modernization linked to nationalism?

colonial rule