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Q: How is energy conserved when a skater go down a ramp?
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How can energy be conserved as a skater rolls down a ramp?

When rolling down, potential energy is converted into kinetic energy. If there is no friction, this means the skater moves faster and faster. If there is energy (the usual situation), part of this movement energy (kinetic energy) will be converted into heat.

What is a Revert in Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 4?

It's a special move. Here is the information which faq gives: "To make a skater revert when landing back down on to A ramp, press the R2 or L2 button right as you hit the ramp Surface from coming out of and aerial maneuver."

What type of energy does a cart have before it starts to roll down a ramp?

It has Potential energy.

How does friction affect the distance traveled by a toy car after rolling down a ramp?

at the top of the ramp the toy has a certain amount of potential energy. The amount of this energy depends on the height of the ramp and the weight of the toy. (The toy's weight is dependent on its mass and the force of gravity.) As the toy rolls down the ramp this potential energy is converted to two other types of energy: Kinetic energy and heat energy. The amount of heat energy depends on friction and air resistance. The lower the total resistance the more kinetic energy, and the more speed, the toy has at the bottom of the ramp.

What is the relationship between the length of a ramp and the speed at the bottom?

The Object moving down the Ramp will have its POTENTIAL Energy (Speed=0) at the top of the Ramp changed to Kinetic Energy as it travels DOWN the Ramp. For any given INCLINE the LENGTH of the Ramp will dictate its HEIGHT. The higher the top of the ramp, the greater the Potential Energy to be Converted into Kinetic Energy. The Formula for K.E. is : K.E. = 1/2 Mass x Velocity2 (the 2 means Squared) So as the Potential Energy increases so does the Kinetic Energy. while the Mass is a Constant. Therefore the Velocity MUST increase as well to balance the K.E. equation.

Why does a ball roll faster down a steep ramp than down a shallow ramp?

Potential Energy of the ball on the shallow ramp and the ball on the steep ramps are different: PE = mass x gravity x height. This potential energy is converted to Kinetic energy or motion energy. KE = 1/2mv^2. If there is more potential energy to convert to Kinetic energy then it will result in increased speed.

Johanna is studying what happens to the energy as a ball rolls down a ramp. What is she studying Check all that apply.?

Chemical energy

Why does the height of a ramp affect a toy cars speed going down it?

Because a higher ramp gives more potential energy than a shorter one.

How does an incline plane multiply speed?

By moving down the ramp it picks up speed producing more kinetic energy reducing the potential energy. As it goes down farther the more the speed increases until the load reaches the bottom of the incline plane(ramp).

What energy would a cart have at the end of a ramp?

If it were released from the top of the ramp, the cart would have maximum kinetic energy at the bottom of the ramp since the gravitational energy at the top of the ramp is converted into the kinetic energy of the cart.

Does height effect potentail energy?

yes height effects potentail energy because if you have a meter stick and a ramp at 50 centemeters with a block at the bottom then roll a ball down the ramp the block at the bottom will go pretty long but if you put the ramp higher the block will go longer

How does the increasing the height of a ramp affect how far a ball rolls down ramp?

how does increasing the height of a ramp affect how far a ball rolls down the ramp