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Q: How is energy transferred through the layers of a star?
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How is energy transferred from the Barnard Star to Earth?

Electromagnetic waves

How does the energy created in a star change as it moves through the layers of a star?

The mass that changed to energy when fusing hydrogen-1 to helium-4 is released as photons of radiation that is absorbed and re-emitted by atoms. It takes 1 million years for the radiation in the center of the sun to reach earth.

What is the core of the star left after a sopernova exsplosion called?

Several types of supernovae exist. Types I and II can be triggered in one of two ways, either turning off or suddenly turning on the production of energy through nuclear fusion. After the core of an aging massive star ceases generating energy from nuclear fusion, it may undergo sudden gravitational collapse into a neutron star or black hole, releasing gravitational potential energy that heats and expels the star's outer layers.

How do photodisintegration and neutronization contribute to the demise of a massive star?

Photodisintegration and neutronizatoin both absorb some amount of energy to be carried forth and so contribute to the rapid cooling of the core, which accelerates the collapse of the star, since the reduced energy output disrupts the hydrostatic equilibrium of the star's layers.

What is true of the layers of a star?

the inner layers are very cool, the outer layers are somewhat cool

What is the central portion of a star that produces energy through nuclear reactions?


How does the energy from fusion move through the star?

It is mainly by radiation, but in the star's outer less dense area there will also be convection.

What is energy star?

ENERGY STAR is a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency voluntary program that helps businesses and individuals save money and protect our climate through superior energy efficiency. Appliances, buildings, and climate control systems can earn an Energy Star rating by showing a high degree of energy efficiency.

Why is the fusion of iron a problem for a star?

Unlike all lighter elements, fusing iron consumes more energy than it produces. Once a star's core starts iron fusion it stops producing energy and collapses. The collapse then blows away the outer layers of the star in a massive explosion called a supernova.

What is the central portion of a star called that produces energy through nuclear reactions?


How do star use energy?

Stars fuse hydrogen through nuclear fusion into helium and release the massive resulting energy into space.

Hypothesize what will happen when the sun exhausts it's supply of hydrogen?

When a main sequence star, such as our sun, exhausts it's supply of Hydrogen, fusion of Hydrogen to Helium ceases in the core. This results in cooling of the core and therefore causes it to contract. As the core contracts, the layers surrounding the star gain kinetic energy until the fusion of Hydrogen is possible in the outer layers. As these layers undergo fusion, they increase in temperature dramatically. The outer layers expand due to heat, and the star becomes massive; the main sequence star has evolved into a red giant. Fusion of Hydrogen to Helium continues in the outer layers, whilst the fusion of heavier elements such as carbon occurs in the core.