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Garnet is a common component in well metamorphosed schists. Occasionally, a specimen will be good enough to be considered a jewel, but most garnet is valued as an abrasive - the garnet paper at your hardware store.

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Q: How is garnet obtained from the earth and processed?
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How much of the mineral garnet exists in the earth?

Garnet is a common mineral found in Earth's crust, accounting for about 0.1 to 0.6% by weight. It is widely distributed in metamorphic rocks, igneous rocks, and some sediments. Overall, garnet is one of the more abundant minerals on Earth.

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The metamorphic rock with garnet crystals would have formed at a deeper level in the Earth's crust compared to the one with chlorite crystals. Garnet is indicative of high-pressure and high-temperature conditions, typically found deeper in the crust, whereas chlorite is associated with lower-grade metamorphism at shallower depths.

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How do you get a garnet in Maplestory?

Where to find a garnet

Which is rarer garnet or amethyst?

a garnet is rarer. one of the rarest garnet is the alexandrite.