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It is much smaller than some, but we require more resources for life, so that is our difference.

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Q: How is human population different from other populations or organisms?
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Like the populations of many other living organisms,the size of the human population tends to increase with time.

What is the nature of population?

Population geography studies living human populations from a geographical perspective.

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The study can help scientists understand ancient human population ...

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A population consists of all the individuals of a species living in a specific area at a given time. It includes both organisms that are able to reproduce and those that cannot. Populations can vary in size, composition, and distribution.

Over the history of the human population the average increase rate of populations?

C. exponential

What is the nature of geography?

Population geography studies living human populations from a geographical perspective.

Which are the Differences between population dynamics and demography?

Population dynamics is considered a form of demography. Demography is the study of statistics of human populations. Population dynamics focuses on how those populations change over time, specifically.

What are differences within a population?

These are the morphological and behavioral variations by individuals within a population of organisms. Check human variation is height and the different way humans behave in similar situations.

What is demography and population?

Demography is the statistical study of human populations The focus in demography is on a population. while The term demographics refers to characteristics of a population such as total fertility rate, or political theories

What is the Concept and scope of population geography?

Population geography studies living human populations from a geographical perspective.