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Q: How is hunger different from appropriate?
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Is The Hunger Games movie good and child appropriate?

Great movie, but appropriate for ages 13+

Is The Hunger Games movie appropriate for little kids?

Of course

How appropriate is The Hunger Games?

inappropriate for people over the age of one!

Should your 8 year old see hunger games?

yes it is age appropriate

What grade book is the Hunger Games?

The Hunger Games is for young adult to adult readers. The mature and thematic elements are what make the book not appropriate for young children

Is the Hunger Games Series appropriate for a upper-grader?

Yes depends on what you want them reading there is killing

How many types of hunger name them?

There are five different types of hunger. They are mind hunger, taste hunger, habit hunger, stomach hunger, and body hunger. These can all be controlled with practice to keep people from consuming more than they need.

How is appetite different from hunger?

hunger is an inborn response while appetite is a learned response.

Is The Hunger Games appropriate for 9 and 10 year olds?

Its not suggested. You should wait until they are 13

What are two types of hunger?

The different types of hunger are:Physical hunger, when your body needs fuelEmotional hunger, when your brain (emotion) is calling the shotsSensory hunger, when external sights, sounds, smells, or tastes are leading the way

Is Hunger Games appropriate for 11-13 year old students at school?

The Hunger Games is suitable for the ages above 12. There is a bit of violence and complicated ideas, yet it is a great read.

What type of graph is appropriate for a set of data?

Different types of graphs are appropriate for different types of data.