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Acids contain hydrogen. When an acid reacts with a metal it displaces the hydrogen, taking its place in the acid. For example, this is how zinc (a metal) will react with hydrochloric acid.

Zn + 2HCl --> ZnCl2 + H2

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Q: How is hydrogen gas made when a metal reacts with a acid?
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What is made when metal reacts with acid?

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The general equation for reacting a metal oxide with an acid is: metal oxide + acid --> salt + water + hydrogen e.g Na2O + 2HCl --> 2NaCl + H2O Hope this helps seen as though no one else could answer this.

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The answer is during a metal reaction to acid, it makes salt and hydrogen. Another way is Acid + Metal > Metal Salt + Hydrogen

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Salt and Water are ALWAYS made when an acid reacts with a carbonate