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to control the population so they don't take over.

Tiger are an endangered species, so the only good reason to kill one is if he is eating on your leg.

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Who are killing tigers?


Does tigers have any animals that get along with?

NO, Tigers worry to much about killing

Who is killing tigers in India?

Poachers are tigers main threat in India

Why people are killing tigers?

People are killing tigers because people they what their fur.

Why is there less tigers?

hunters are killing them dudh

Why are tigers being killed?

Tigers are being killed for Sport hunting, for killing livestock, and for sometimes killing people.

What is the law doing to protect the Siberian tigers?

they make killing or harming tigers illegal

What is being done to help tigers?

There are lots of things being done! There is zoos for tigers. There are sanctuaries just for tigers. Also we are trying to help the tigers get off the endangered list!!!! AND WE SHOULD STOP KILLING THEM AND WHO EVER IS KILLING THEM MOTHER NATURE WILL GET U BACK.

What will happen if people stop killing tigers?


How do tigers become endangered?

tigers are becoming endangered because people are killing tigers to take it'sskin and sell them in high rates.

Do tigers eat lions or lions eat tigers?

lions and tigers eat meat by killing them such as deer, wild pig, and such like.

How are people killing white tigers?

people are killing them with mostly guns and some times traps.thanks FoR ReAdInG ThIs