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MAPEH, which stands for music, arts, physical education, and health, has great importance in everyday life. At the very least, music and arts provide an outlet for relaxation. Physical education teaches the importance of keeping the body active and moving. Health helps to teach one how to stay well and things that they should and should not do to their bodies.

The Music and Arts Program seeks to expose students to and develop appreciation for Philippine, Asian, and Western music. Students do not only acquire factual and theoretical knowledge but are also introduced to applications like singing, playing Filipino and Asian instruments, listening to recordings, and reading, writing and creating music.

Physical Education aims to make the students physically strong, well-poised, sound and efficient, mentally alert and active, and emotionally tempered and well-balanced. Each year level takes on a different fitness program such as sports, gymnastics, dancing, and Martial Arts.

Health Education is designed to keep students abreast with health concerns and issues. Lessons on Health Assessment, Proper Hygiene, First Aid, Drugs and Substance Abuse, Mental Health, Communicable and Non-communicable diseases, Alternative Medicine and Nutrition and Fitness all aim to lead the students to adopt a healthy lifestyle.

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Physical Education in MAPEH is a degree that prepares graduates to promote wellness and sustain lifelong fitness. To learn more about the degree, visit the Related Link.

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Why is MAPEH important?

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