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Q: How is meaning of glory related to latin root?
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How is the modern meaning of factory related to the latin root fac?

Facere in Latin means to make

Is there a latin root meaning for fog?

No, there is not a latin root meaning for fog.

What is the meaning of the latin root word poppulis?

The Latin root word "populis" means "people" or "population." It is related to terms like "popular" or "population."

What is the meaning of the latin root sect?

The Latin root "sect" means to cut or separate. It is often used in words related to cutting or dividing, such as "section" or "intersect."

What is Latin root in benefactor?

The Latin root of the word beneficiary comes from the Latin adverb "bene" meaning good.

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"Colo" is till as in tilling the garden. It is related to English "cultivate."

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The Latin root is Posse meaning, to be able

Is port a greek or latin root?

The root "port" is a Latin root. It comes from the Latin word "portare," which means "to carry."

What is the latin root of suffice?

From Latin 'sufficere'. Derived from ''sub' meaning up to, and root of 'facere' meaning to make

What does the latin root word fus mean?

The Latin root word "fus" means "pour" or "melt." It is commonly used in words related to flowing or pouring, such as "effuse" meaning to pour out or "confusion" meaning a mixing together.

Is survive a greek or latin root word?

The root is the Latin "vīvere," meaning "to live."

What does the latin root cide mean?

The latin root meaning for cise is to cut