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Q: How is nitrogen transferred from atmosphere to plants?
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What is the transfer of nitrogen from the atmosphere to plants and back to the atmosphere or directly into plants again?

Nitrogen cycle

When there is not enough nitrogen in the atmosphere for plants how do the plants get it?

Plants do not actually get their nitrogen from the atmosphere. They get it in compounds in the soil through their roots. Some plants form symbiotic relationships with bacteria in the soil. The bacteria draw nitrogen from the air and form nitrogen compounds. The plants can then use the nitrogen.

Why is nitrogen gas in the atmosphere useless to plants?

Nitrogen gas cannot be absorbed by plants

How do plants and animals get nitrogen is not from the atmosphere?

In rainforests where there is loads of leeching, plants get their nitrogen from other dead plants, where a nitrogen cycle is established

What plants absorb nitrogen from the atmosphere?


how is nitrogen transferred from the atmosphere to plants?

Nitrogen absorbed by the roots is either metabolized in the roots or is transported to the aerial part via the xylem. How N is transported depends on the form absorbed (NO3- or NH4+ ) and the metabolism of the roots.

How will the removal of leguminous plants affect the nitrogen cycle?

it affects the nitrogen cycle as the leguminous plants have nitrogen-fixing bacteria on their roots and these nitrogen-fixing bacteria help to collect nitrogen which is transferred to animals when these leguminous plants have been eaten.

What is largest source of nitrogen?

Nitrogen is the most abundant element in the Earth's atmosphere. Bacteria in the soil 'fix' the nitrogen gas into compounds which can be taken in by plants; the plants get eaten by animals & they use the nitrogen to make proteins.

A common gas in your atmosphere essential for plants?


How do microorganisms make nitrogen in the atmosphere usuable to plants?

By fixing free nitrogen from the atmosphere through endogenous or exogenous methods.

Why plants and animals unable to absorb nitrogen directly for atmosphere?

Nitrogen is not very reactive

Where does nitrogen from the atmosphere go before it enters the plants?

The nitrogen goes into the nodules of the plant.