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The most direct way for nuclear energy to be converted to light energy is via the process of gamma decay -- that is, when a nucleus decays and releases photons. The photons are not technically light -- being gamma rays, they have frequencies too high for human eyes to detect; however, the process of redshifting (which is when wavelength is stretched out either by universal expansion or, more commonly, objects moving away from the light) can, in theory and under extreme circumstances, make any wavelength visible.

In practice, however, nuclear energy is converted into light the same way that all energy used is converted into light. Nuclear energy, like coal energy, can be used to heat water, which turns into steam, which spins a turbine, which induces a current, which eventually passes through the tungsten filament of a lightbulb, heating it to incandescence.

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Q: How is nuclear energy turned into light energy?
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The sun, and other stars, which burn from nuclear fusion

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Potential energy (turned into kinetic energy to drive the turbines), (turned into electrical energy by the turbines). Note the original source of this energy is the Sun (nuclear fusion).

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you flip a light switch on and it is turned into light energy

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kinetic,potential,light energy