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It is the centre of our solar system

It has our earth revolving around it.

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Q: How is our sun different from all other stars?
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How is the sun different from the other stars in the night sky?

The main difference between the sun and other stars is that the sun is much closer to us.

How is the sun different from other stars relative to earth?

The Sun is bigger than some stars and smaller than others. It is brighter than some stars and dimmer than others. Relative to the Earth it is much closer than all other stars.

How is the sun different from the stars in the night sky?

The main difference between the sun and other stars is that the sun is much closer to us.

Why do stars and the sun appear different?

Stars appear different from the sun because the sun is closer to the earth and the other stars are further away from the earth so that's why the appear differently when you look at them in the sky!!!!!

How is your sun different to other stars?

The Sun is a very average star, not really different from a lot of others.

Why is the sun different from other stars in the universe?

It is not different, just closer to the Earth.

Is all stars are sun?

No, not all stars are suns. Our Sun is a star, but there are countless other stars in the universe that vary in size, temperature, and characteristics. Each star is unique in its own way.

Do stars have anything to do with the sun?

No, but our sun is a star just like all the other stars in the night sky.

How is the sun different from the stars?

Its not... the main thing it does is suppord life which other stars can possibly do, too.

What are the main differences between stars and the sun?

The sun is a star. Its different to us than other stars because it is the closest to our planet.

How is the light from our sun different from other stars?

It isn't. The sun appears bigger and brighter than other stars only because is is much closer to us.

How is the sun different from the stars is it because it is different or what?

the sun and the stars are the same the only difference is that the stars are farther away and the sun is closer