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Q: How is reflection of light different from refraction of light?
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What is reflection and refraction light?

Reflection of light is the bending of light from its point. while refraction is the diverging of light from its bearing.

Is a light bulb an example of reflection or refraction?

It is refraction

What is the bending of light from one medium to another?

It is called refraction, but some material bounces off the light and it is called reflection.

In What different ways can light behave or act?

Absorption, Reflection & Refraction.

What is the difference between refraction and reflection?

the difference between refraction and reflection is that in refraction light bends and in reflection it is reflected

What is the meaning of reflection and refraction?

Reflection is a change of the angle of light without a change of medium. Refraction is a change of the angle of light with a change of medium.

What are the similarities of reflection and refraction?

REFLECTION: IF a light ray in incident on a surface if it bring back to same medium is called reflection REFRACTION: IF a light ray in incident on a surface and going to another medium is called reflection and there is a a law for refraction that is SNELL'S LAW

What is the difference between refraction and reflection.?

Reflection is for the light rays to bounce, and refraction is for the light rays to bend. maybe not equally, but enough to bend or bounce.

What the difference is between reflection and refraction?

Reflection is for the light rays to bounce, and refraction is for the light rays to bend. maybe not equally, but enough to bend or bounce.

What is the difference between reflection and refraction?

Reflection is for the light rays to bounce, and refraction is for the light rays to bend. maybe not equally, but enough to bend or bounce.

What is refraction What is reflection?

Reflection: light bounces off of a surface, like a mirror.Refraction: light goes through a substance and bends. For example, white light through a prism comes out in a rainbow because the light is refracted or bent and each color has a different index of refraction.

Reflection of light into random directions is called?

The directions would not be random, they would be determined by the index of refraction and the incidence ray. I'm assuming your talking of refraction which is when light changes its projected angle when traveling through a different substances which light travels different speeds. However if referring to a mirror, then it is simply called reflection.