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they have good platers now

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Q: How is soccer different from now then earlier?
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Where did the word soccer come from If the original name for the sport is Football?

The word "football" was used early in the game's history, where the rules for different types of football had not been codified. Different codes - such as rugby football - evolved from earlier variations on the same game. The official name for the type of football that is now known as "soccer" in the US, Australia and Canada is "Association Football", because it is managed by the "Football Association" in England. "soccer" comes from "Association".

How is Italian Soccer different then American Soccer?

different teams and it's no different to English and Finnish Soccer

What is the difference between soccer in the 1940s and soccer of now?

Soccer in the 1940s was Bord but now thre's more fun. "And better soccer balls".

What is the difference between shin pads now to when soccer first started?

They weren't around when the game started, they evolved into the game. They are now a lot more stronger and give more protection than the earlier versions.

How long was a soccer field when soccer started?

not as big as it is now

What is the difference between soccer and an indoor soccer?

indoor soccer has different soccer cleats and a different kind of ball and has walls around the field and has assfolt and outdoor soccer has a different size ball and kind of ball and has no walls and had natural grass,

What is a palaeologism?

A palaeologism is a word or phrase that is ancient or antiquated in nature. It refers to language that is no longer commonly used in modern times or has fallen out of mainstream usage.

Can soccer balls be in different shapes?

No. A soccer ball is round.

Why were soccer balls invented?

The leather or synthetic material soccer balls were invented to fly straighter, to be lighter and to be bouncier than the earlier balls which were pigs bladders.

1995 Ireland most watched sporting event?

Probably Soccer... It is Ireland Soccer is #1 in the entire world and I think it started earlier than 1995.

Why do sports locations change?

they do because of the different events. you don't want to play soccer in Maine now do you. and u cant ski in Texas so its because of the different temperatures

Where is soccer played now?
