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Soul force is resistance of evil with internal strength. Body force is physical resistance of evil. Gandhi practiced soul force.

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Soul force refers to the power of one's spiritual or moral convictions, driving actions that align with their principles. Body force, on the other hand, typically refers to physical strength or exertion used to accomplish specific tasks. Soul force emphasizes nonviolent resistance and the pursuit of justice through inner strength, while body force relies on physical prowess or force to achieve objectives.

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What are the different forces acting on a body immersed in a liquid?

When a body is immersed in a liquid, the forces acting on it include buoyant force (upwards force due to displaced liquid), gravitational force (downwards force due to gravity), and drag force (resistance force due to the movement of the body through the liquid).

Is that true when an action reaction force pair acts on the same body?

Yes, when an action-reaction force pair acts on the same body, they do not cancel each other out. Instead, they contribute to different aspects of the body's motion.

If an unbalanced force acts on a body what will happen?

If an unbalanced force acts on a body, it will cause the body to accelerate in the direction of the force. The acceleration will be directly proportional to the magnitude of the force and inversely proportional to the mass of the body, as described by Newton's second law of motion (F = ma).

Will a body be in equilibrium under action of a single force?

No, a body will not be in equilibrium under the action of a single force. For a body to be in equilibrium, the vector sum of all the forces acting on the body must be zero. A single force cannot balance itself out, so it will cause the body to accelerate in the direction of the force.

Differentiate batween the work done on the body and work done by the body?

The work done on the body is the energy transferred to the body from an external force. This is calculated as the force applied on the body multiplied by the distance the body moves in the direction of the force. On the other hand, the work done by the body is the energy transferred from the body to its surroundings as it performs a task or moves against an external force.

Related questions

Do different religions believe the soul to be different things?

You are a soul, you are in a temporary earthly body.

Is your skeleton the soul of your body?

no Your soul is completely different than your skeleton.

What is the Japanese word for soul force or the force of soul?

The Japanese word for soul force or the force of soul is Kami.

Is the Soul and Astral body different?

Technically yes. The Astral body is a an intermediate between the soul and the physical body that is composed of subtle material.

What are the different forces acting on a body immersed in a liquid?

When a body is immersed in a liquid, the forces acting on it include buoyant force (upwards force due to displaced liquid), gravitational force (downwards force due to gravity), and drag force (resistance force due to the movement of the body through the liquid).

Which articles are featured on the Body and Soul magazine?

There are many different types of articles that featured in the Body and Soul magazine. These include articles on heath, and articles on feeling more positive mentally.

How was Eleonora Duse different from Sarah Bernhardt?

SB acted with her body.. ED acted with her soul !

What is the term for a soul of a person to be reborn and born into a different body?

In Indian belief, Reincarnation was when souls entered a new body when they are reborn. :)

Is possible by human to separate body and soul at present?

No it is impossible to separate body and soul because both body and soul are the same.Just we have to realize it....

Are YOU the soul or body?

Answer: You are a soul within a physical body. Answer: You are an immortal soul temporarily residing within a mortal body. Answer: You are a soul, one with the body, providing the form of the body, both inseparable, in the Aristotelian sense. Answer: Some say, you are a living soul (your body) and within you is a spirit (sometimes called a soul). It is a way of saying all parts human are spiritual and no part is exempt.

When body and soul are definitely moving with separate identity till the parting of soul from the body the body alone enjoyed optimum pleasure and nil benefit to soul and why it is so?

When the body engages in good deeds, it is pleasure for the soul.

Why do we celebrate the sacraments of healing?

Reconciliation and the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick. They are both used for different purposes. Reconciliation is for healing of the soul while anointing is for healing the body and the soul.