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Q: How is sports a real life applicate to algebra?
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When will you use algebra in real life?

You could use algebra in real life in nearly anything that you do. You could use algebra to calculate how much gas you will put in your car and how much it will cost you.

Will we ever use algebra in real life?

Many people learn algebra, and then never use it in their "real life". It's not that it COULDN'T be useful; but rather, that many people tend to forget how to use it. In some professions, you will DEFINITELY need algebra - as well as more advanced math.

Why is it important to connect algebric expressions to real life?

The whole idea of algebra (at least, to a great extent) is to help solving real-life problems.

Is solving equations by multiplying useful in real life?

Ir is in some people's real life. Example: millions of students that want to pass algebra.

What do you actually do in real life?

I like doing sports.

Does air bud play sports in real life?

Yes! Air bud plays basketball in real life. Not all those other sports. Air bid is AWSOME!!

What is the importance of algebra in our daily life?

Most people don't use algebra in their daily lives, mainly because they forget how to use it - except those that work in engineering or science. If you are comfortable with algebra, you COULD use it to solve problems in a variety of real-life situations.

How can you use algebra in real life?

If you're a teacher. Or if you're a student who wants to get his maths homework right.

How does team sports help in real life situations?

Team Sports help you because they teach you how use sportsmanship. Which helps you move on in life.

How are Factoring polynomials with coefficient of 1 used in real life?

When you are doing homework with algebra or other stuff Ect

Why did people invented algebra?

To calculate how much baby powder to eat! To symbolize real life scenarios in numerals.

IS there a trey mcCulough?

Sure... Maybe not in sports.. But probably in real Life.