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Q: How is taking a shower an example of condensation?
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How is taking a shower condensation?

Hot water is spraying out into the atmosphere at high pressure. This causes condensation.

How do you write a sentence with condensation?

Example sentence - The mirror in the bathroom was covered with condensation after he took a shower.

Why does the mirror in the bathroom has drops of water after taking a hot shower?

It is called condensation.

Why do small droplets of water form on the mirror after you shower?

This usually happens after a hot or warm shower because the water vapour in the air becomes a liquid again. It condenses on your mirror. Condensation is taking place!

What are everyday examples of condensation?

Clouds are a example of condensation just like taking a bowl and then pouring hot water.Then covering with cling wrap and adding the ice on top of it.try it!!!!!!!!

When water droplets appear on the outside of a cold glass of iced tea this is an example of .?

Answer this question… When water droplets appear on the outside of a cold glass of iced tea, this is an example of _____.

Why does a bathroom become fogged while you take a shower?

because of condensation

What is steam in a shower hits the curtain and turns into a liquid?

It's then condensation.

Are clouds and example of evaporation or condensation?

The water is evaporated creating condensation. TEchnically the clouds are condensation

Is rain falling an example of condensation?

Yes rain is an example of condensation [: . Rain , hail , sleek , snow.

What is a shower dance?

Simply dancing while taking a shower is called shower dance :)

Where else do you see condensation?

you can find condensation on a mirror after shower also clouds are condensation